Below is an image of our deck after a bit of cleaning and gently power washing.
We used Restore on the deck after replacing about 1/3rd of the 2×4’s on the deck. We sanded the entire thing with power sander (again gently) and applied the Restore. That was 2 years ago. One thing that we did was use a small roller that was the width of the 2×4’s and SLOWLY applied the material. We then used a small putty knife between the joints to clear the material. Doing so kept the material from crossing the joints.
One side effect of this is that we used considerably less material than we anticipated given the size of this deck and a smaller secondary deck we repainted as well.
Very happy with the results.
This is the deck midway through the reconstruction back in August of 2013. Note the pepto-bismal pink color. Lovely, no?