I’ve been looking for parts and pieces for this car for quite some time. I finally found the last bit which was the right rear quarter panel and that was tough to find here in Michigan. I had to travel to a place near Joliet, IL one weekend to grab the piece. Same color car! I would have loved to find a NOS part but that was not in the cards.
I also found a front nose piece in Ohio. Another weekend day used to get that.. Finding a nice part WITH the light bar again, took some time to get sorted and sourced. The light bar seems to be removed from most nose pieces
The next bit of work will be separating the body panel from frame bits but first cutting off the frame parts and the separating the panel from the remnants. That should be interesting since I’ll be doing from ‘inside’ the body panel.
Lastly, I also dug around and found the frame measurements for a 1985 Mustang Convertible. If you need the information I have a picture below and if you want the book it come from look for the 1985 Car Shop manual, Volume B2, page 47-04-19.

The second image appears to be the front end measures around the engine bay for a 1990 Mustang Hatch. I’ll keep looking for 1 985 Convertible values.