A nice list from Ryan Holiday (the list is from the newsletter but posted here). Sign up of the newsletter here.
A few of these I have read, a few of these are not my ‘style’ but.. that’s the point. Get out of your comfort zone.
Here is the list + my additions:
- Slow Productivity: The lost art of accomplishment with Burnout, Author: Cal Newport
- Don’t Just March, Run for Something: A real-talk guide to fixing the system yourself
- Night of the Grizzlies, Author: Jack Olsen
- The Choice: Embrace the Possible, Author: Dr. Edith Eva Eger
- Montaigne, Author: Stefan Zweig
- The Years of Lyndon Johnson, Author: Robert A. Caro. Quick Note: I’ve read this series. It is fantastic especially ‘Master of the Senate’.
- A Calendar of Wisdom: Daily thoughts to Nourish the Soul, Written and Selected from the World’s Sacred Texts
- Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male is Struggling, Why it Matters and What to do about it, Author: Richard Reeves
- Bright Shining: How Grace Changes Everything
- The Children, Author: David Halberstam, Author Julia Baird
- Parting the Waters: America in the King years 1954-63, Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963-1965, At Canaan’s Edge: America in the King years 1965-68, Author: Taylor Branch
- Same as Ever: A guide to what never changes, Author: Morgan Housel
- The 48 Laws of Power, Author: Robert Greene
- It Can’t Happen Here, Author: SInclair Lewis
- Address Unknown, Author: Kathrine Kressman Taylor
- The Expanding Circle, Author: Peter Singer
- Atomic Habits, Author: James Clear
- Bushido: The Samurai Code of Japan, Author: Inazo Nitobe
- How to Think Like Socrates: Ancient Philosophy as a Way of Life in the Modern World
- Meditations, Author: Marcus Aurelius
- General Lee: A biography of Robert E. Lee, Author: Fitzhugh Lee
- Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman, Author: William T. Sherman
- Junkyard Dogs (Walt Longmire Mysteries), Author: Craig Johnson
- The Dark Horse (Walt Longmire Mysteries), Author: Craig Johnson
- Public Enemies, Author: Bryan Burroughs.
Naturally, I’ll read other books but this is a good starting point.