Nice quote about Design from Steve Jobs

Great quote

“Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like,” says Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “People think it’s this veneer — that the designers are handed this box and told, ‘Make it look good!’ That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

Chicago – Boho, or the ‘Bohemian House’

Stopped into the ‘Bohemian House’ restaurant last night. I have the Hungarian Langos and Butcher’s Goulash. Fantastic. I highly recommend the place. Located at 33 Illinois Street, Chicago, IL. 

Here’s a shot of the Hungarian Langos

Hungarian Langos

Lincoln – Portland, OR

I think it’s fair to say that I’m a pretty big fan of Lincoln. Pretty much read everything that I can get my hands on about him. 

Below is a image that I took in Portland, OR and then modified in the PRISMA application with a filter.

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The Wirecutter and ‘Inner Vision’

One of my favorite web sites is ‘The Wirecutter’ over at

Anytime I’m going to purchase something I run over to The Wirecutter (or and look for a review. If I find something there I use their link to purchase the item. 

Anyway, they’ve got a great feature called ‘Inner Vision’ which is an assortment of interesting articles regarding a variety of topics. 

Check out the latest iteration here. My favorite item from this week’s list of items is this article. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

You can find a complete list of their blog posts here.

An old Ski Nautique

My Dad has owned an old ‘Ski Nautique’ ski boat for a few years. He likes it but wanted to move up to a slightly newer one. New being relative to the old boat. Here’s a shot of him dragging my brother’s son around the lake. 

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Here’s a shot of the ‘new’ one: 

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Just another run…

Nice morning. Going to get into the 90’s here this afternoon so decided that I had better get this in during the early AM. 

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