A walkabout in Detroit – Eastern Market and St. Albertus Catholic Church

On a typical Saturday in the summer I will get up and wander down to Eastern Market in Detroit. Eastern Market is an open air Farmer’s market in Detroit that has been around for quite some time. It’s a great place to pick up some flowers, fruits and veggies and do some people watching. Eastern Market is one of the places that is a gem for Detroit. The Eastern Market folks have been renovating the sheds and doing a bunch of other work that is starting to pay off. Learn more here.


Now, for all that Eastern Market has going for it…it is in Detroit and that scares some people away. In my reverse thinking I thought I would make a project of wandering out from Eastern Market and see what I could see.

In my wanderings I came across this: St. Albertus church

When I first saw the church I thought “Wow…that’s a cool church”. St. Albertus has the main church and then a boys school attached as well.

With a little digging I discovered that the church was the first Polish-American Catholic church in Detroit.

The building seen below was built between 1883-1885. Apparently it takes its design from churches found in Prussian Poland.


The church also had a boys school seen here:


Now, I could leave off here. However, I think that INTERIOR shots of the Church are absolutely amazing. Check out this link on Flickr here.

The Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit closed the church in 1990 in a cost-cutting effort and a group of parishioners took up the cause.

Should you be interested check out this link

Boyne Independence Day 10k results

Had a lot fun at the Boyne run. 8:36 pace.

Here’s a link to the action shots.

Here’s a picture of me 🙂


Results were the following:
Finish Position: 185
Category Finish: 128/172
Number: 1487
Total Time: 53:22
Pace: 8:36

Here’s a link to the result page: Results

Next up? Heart of the Hills run in Bloomfield Hills. Here’s the link to the site.